Thursday, December 27, 2012

Stable Red

The main reason I prefer to breed Betta that are more than 5 months old is that genotypic attributes can be assessed more accurately with matured fishes. The flip side of this methodology is that fertility maybe an issue as older fishes are less virile. Anyway, I prefer mid-size spawns that is easier to manage. I do not need the numbers as the line is much more stable.

Nonetheless, I managed to spawn my red champ with one of its aunt. I plan to spawn it another time in January with another female.
One of my 2 month +  

With my red line proven and stable, maybe it is more interesting to try another colour... what will it be?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Red Glory

Champion in Red HMPK class
Last weekend, my self-bred Red HMPK won the 1st placing for the Red HMPK class in the National Betta Competition (NBC).

This two-time champion has very minimal irids also won 1st prize for the Red HMPK class in the November competition (96 Betta Competition). It was from a medium size spawn from line-bred parentage.
A potential successor

It is high time to propagate  his genes. This weekend, I would be deciding which females from its siblings and cousins to match with him, hopefully his offspring would glorify its bloodline in Aquarama 2013. 

I am also looking for a few potential Red in younger spawns to prepare for future competition.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mystical Blackheads

Somehow, the Blackhead Betta strains has a certain appeal to me just like the Half Metal Guppy strains. 

I do small spawn of my blue/green strains every year but did not seriously focus on them - maybe I should...  :P

Pair of Blackhead Greens that appear
like Blues using my camera

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Activating the Salamendar...

one of the 2 males I keep in spawn #5
5 weeks old at just below 1.5 inches
The Salamender Plakat line is one of the lines that I seriously track besides the red line. I've been trying to rejuvenate my sala line since the last major accidental wipe out leaving only a few less-than-optimal fishes as breeders. I had done a total of 5 test spawns this year and only keep a few from each to selective breed for features. Spawn #5 this year has a few with acceptable bandings and features.

the other side of the same male
This line looks like a symmetrical plakat when young, but the finnages will usually grow longer as it ages. It is very challenging to maintain a thicker banding which is balance throughout the finnages. When one parameter is tracked too closely, the other parameters tend to go haywire :(

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Keep the Best, Forget the Rest

2 month-old about 2 inches

Could only achieve 2 spawns of red due to work commitment. Culling very strictly to provide the best for the best.

Finnage and deportment improvement compared to the last generation :) 
Feeling the itch to try this spawn combination again :P

Friday, August 17, 2012

Round Robin

My line of red is getting old - nearing 8 months old and too old for competition. It is time to spawn them to continue the line... I hope I got the time to groom some decent ones again...

The advantage of breeding older fish is the feature stability is more affirmed, but the flip side is they may not be so virile and easy to spawn successfully.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Red Army Update

Second line-breed spawn and 3rd in-breed spawn looks promising too... :)
Had to destroy one of the 4th in-breed line due to many deformed fries.

One of my favourite thick ventral

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

X'treme Red

Red class - 2nd Prize
5th Team X'treme Betta Comp
I was very happy that my red came in second placing in the Red Class for the recent 5th Team X'treme "King of HMPK Challenge" Betta Competition.

A sibling of the prize winner

The winning fish belongs to line 1 (line-breed) highlighted in the earlier post, spawned on 8th January 2012.

Though the spawn size is big, the good ones are only but a handful. It is important to cull diligently in order to provide the best to the good fishes.